Hari arafat

Teks : Jazilah Mohd Saad


Perkongsian ini diperoleh dari sahabat yang dikongsikan di facebook. Mungkin ada manfaatnya buat kita. bagi kita yang tidak mengerjakan haji, pelbagai cara yang boleh dilakukan sebagai merai hari Arafah dan bertaqarrub kepada Allah.

Di sertakan cadangan jadual hari bagi umat Islam sempena hari arafat.

1. Sleep early the night before to strengthen yourself for the special day.
2. Wake up before Fajr for suhoor.
3. Make wudoo, while consciously remembering that your sins are being washed away til the last drop of water. Pray at leasr 4 rakahs of qiyam and make duaa for your deen & dunya in your sujood. Cry to Allah, showing Him humility & ask Him to give you tawfeeq on this great day, and thank Him for making you of those who would experience this special occasion.
4. Spend some time (10-15 mins at least) making Istighfar before Fajr, to be like the righteous whom Allah described as "seeking forgiveness before dawn."
5. Repeat after Fajr adhan & make duaa. Pray Fajr. Sit in your prayer place and do your morning adhkar. Make tasbeeh, tahleel, tahmeed, & takbeer. And as the Prophet (s) advised, increase in "la ilaha illallah, wahdahu la shareeka lahu, lahul mulk wa lahul hamd, wa huwa ala kulli shay'in qadeer."
6. 15 minutes after sunrise pray 2 rakahs of shurooq. This all amounts to the reward of a complete Hajj & umrah. So do not waste it!
7. If you're able to stay awake by all means, do so and do not waste a songle minute. If you need to sleep, take a nap for an hour with the conscious intention of energizing yourself for the worship of Allah.
8. When you wake up, make wudoo and pray at least 4 rakahs of duha. The recite lots if Quran and make the dhikr mentioned above in breaks in between.
(Make dhikr after Dhuhr as you prepare food or as yiu do what is absolutely necessary.
9. After Asr, say the evening adhkar. Then recite Quram again til about an hour before Maghrib. At that point, make LOTS of duaa til Maghrib, while having yaqeen that Allah will answer. (Preparing a duaa list ahead of time helps!) Beg that the day will not come to an end except that Allah has forgiven you all your sins and written you of those He has freed from the Fire. Don't forget the Muslims suffering all over the world. Remember as you break your fast that your duaa at that moment is accepted.

Semoga ada manfaatnya.


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